Plan a Visit
We are located at 104 Lukken Industrial dr. W. LaGrange GA 30240
Our service time is 10:30 A.M. on Sunday Morning
Can I attend if I’m _________?
Fill in the blank with whatever fear you have about not being accepted: divorced, a single parent, broke, an addict, worried, angry, a skeptic, etc. Everyone is welcome as SouthCrest.
So come as you are, and we’ll see you on Sunday
What should I wear?
Most people dress casually, but you are welcome to wear whatever makes you comfortable.
What do you have for kids?
Crest Kids: Children third grade and younger experience Jesus on their level. CrestKids is a safe, fun, age-appropriate environment where kids have their own service with singing, a Bible lesson, and small group time.
Switch: Children in the 4th and 5th grades have their own worship experience and lesson with a small group time.
How long is the Service?
Gatherings last about 1 hour. We start by singing a few songs, then you’ll hear a Bible based message with application to your life and community.
At the end of the gathering, we create space to respond to what we’ve heard by singing, praying for one another, and bringing our tithes and offerings.
Where do I go when I get there?
The parking team will direct you to the closest available spot. Just follow the smiling faces in the bright green vests. We reserve parking spots for first-time guests at the front of the building.
As you're walking to the building, the greeting team will meet you and show you where to find the worship center, restrooms, and children’s ministry. If you need anything throughout the day — mints, earplugs, a Bible, or a pen, or just some conversation — feel free to stop by the Guest Services desk. Or, just ask anyone with a SouthCrest lanyard or name tag. We’re a friendly bunch, and we’d love to serve you.
Let us know if you plan on visiting!
We would love to connect with you and answer any questions you may have!